Jan 31, 2007

The Institutional Theory of Art

As for me, I am a real enthusiast for the institutional theory of art, which, in short, argues that everything can be art if it is with in the art institution.This statement that everything can be art seems very simple but in other words, the theory can be saying that nothing can be art unless the institution doesn't endorse it to be. Above all, the statement that something is everything means that it is recognized as nothing at all.

However, here, the institution is usually composed of individual artists, arts organizations, critics and audiences. So if you are confident enough to reconize youself within the institution of art, you can say something is art. Although this doesn't mean that everybody will agree to that but you still need to be more confident.

Believe it or not, I believe that I as an arts administrator, and my wife as a music composer are certainly within the artworld. Thus, we can confidently say that Luke is a real artists!!!

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